Monday, September 1, 2008

La, le, les and L'

How to differentiate a feminine  and masculine french words ? 
Very simple, as long as the words end with the letter "e" it will be the feminine words, other than that, it will be masculine words.

Therefore, when we said an objective like "Table" is a feminine word, but in french we can't just said "table" we must say "La table". "La" means "the", and La is apply for Feminine words. For masculine words like "Restaurant" we should apply "Le", it will be "Le Restaurant". For plural, example like  "Fourmis"(ants in French) we could apply "Les fourmis". 

But when vower meet vower(A, E, I, O, U), example "the student", it will be "Le étudiant" or "La étudiante" as u can see the end of the first word are vower and the first alphabet of the second words are vower( L'e' 'é'tudiant) it will be come L'étudiant. Other than that, English and French are quite similar, like we don't say "a hour" we say "an hour" because, we don't pronounce the letter "H" in the word "hour" we pronounce as "our" starts with the "O", so it consider a vower. In french watch out for the word like "hôtel", therefore, it won't be "la hôtel" it will be "l' hôtel".

So there will be all for now. Will update more soon ...

Monsieur Rehda no. duex Monsieur Remy =)

Well this is where I starts pick up my French speaking and this is my favorite person who teach French on Youtube. And I think the information that he provide are quite helpful thru the learning. 

Here are the series that he had for us... 

Here are only 5 lesson that I could get on the Youtube for more clip you guys could check out on youtube itself. Just search the key words in "French lesson 1", you guys could his video over there.

Well, I think he looks a bit like out French lecturer as well ... don't you guys think so ? hehe


As usual, if you're learning a new language, what will be the first word that you will learn? Haha, if you ask me I would said is some swear words will be nice =)  But that is not a proper way to do so, when you first met someone right? 

Of  cause a person with a less crooked minded like you, will probably would like to learn how to greet others people at first, then Thank you then Good Bye... 

Well here is our first video... 

How to greet and answer when someone greet to you....

Alright, that will be all for now, have fun learning French au rivoir !

Welcome to the french learning corner

Bonjour a tout, basically I just create this blog for a extra tutorial for my fellow mates in college, for helping them out a bit for the Exam and some very basic understanding. 

I am not a very well French speaker, I'm only a beginner, as well I just thought posting some youtube video which some other great people who willing to share their knowledge with the world.  Therefore, I hope you guys could enjoy this blog. 

Have a good one there folks. Cheers

Abientot, et bonjournee